It is a great feeling when you can take a well-loved piece of clothing that has run its course, and turn it into yet another well-loved item. There are many things you can do with your old clothes, with just some creativity and little bit of your time. Here are some ideas for when you are done wearing a particular piece of clothing, but you still want to get some use out of it.
1. Pants to Shorts

Your pants may be too short now, or may have ripped in the knee. This is an easy fix, especially if summer is coming up. Cut the pants off to whatever length you want your shorts to be, and hem them. Brand new shorts, as easy as can be.

2. Denim and Flannel to Quilts

Used denim and materials such as flannel can combine to make classic yet fashionable quilts. It is fairly simple and is a fun project to work on. Any room is given a touch of warmth with a homemade quilt. Simply cut the fabric into strips and sew them together. There are basic sewing tutorials all over the internet that you can follow with easy instructions.


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